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Overcome Eye Disorders when Pregnant in This Way

When pregnant, your eyes become drier and more sensitive? Don't worry yet, Bumil. This condition is a natural thing and can be overcome, really. Some eye disorders that occur during pregnancy will usually subside after giving birth. The causes vary, ranging from hormonal changes, metabolism, to changes in circulation.

Types of eye disorders during pregnancy and how to overcome them

Having eye disorders during pregnancy will certainly interfere with the comfort of pregnant women and cause a sense of worry. In order not to panic, Bumil needs to recognize the types of eye disorders that often occur during pregnancy along with the following tips and ways to overcome them:

1. Dry eyes

One eye disorder that is often experienced by pregnant women is dry eyes. This condition will usually make the eyes feel 'sandy', itchy, and hot. Dry eyes during pregnancy are usually caused by increased levels of the hormone estrogen which suppresses tear production. Dry eyes during pregnancy can be overcome by using eye drops that contain artificial tears or artificial tears. But if the dry eye is felt that does not get better, Bumil needs to consult a doctor.

2. Blurred vision

During pregnancy, fluid retention will occur. This condition can affect the cornea and make the vision of pregnant women blurred. Usually, this situation only lasts a while. To overcome this, pregnant women may need to replace the glasses for a while. However, as much as possible limit and avoid using contact lenses during pregnancy yes, pregnant woman.

3. Diabetic rheumatopathy

Some pregnant women experience gestational diabetes or diabetes in pregnancy. Pregnant women with this condition have a risk of having diabetic retinopathy, which is a complication of diabetes that attacks the retina. This disease can cause blurred vision of pregnant women, even in advanced conditions, blindness can occur. To prevent this complication, pregnant women are advised to carry out routine pregnancy control and keep blood sugar levels stable.

4. Small bowls on vision or floaters

Pregnant woman ever saw the shadow of small objects that seemed to hover? These shadows are called floaters. Black spots on vision or floaters is one of the eye disorders that can be experienced during pregnancy. Besides being caused by normal conditions, these black spots can also be a sign of complications from preeclampsia or eclampsia. Both of these conditions must be treated quickly, because they can be fatal for the mother and fetus. Although most eye disorders during pregnancy are caused by normal things, pregnant women still need to be vigilant and consult an ophthalmologist if they experience alarming symptoms. Strive to always maintain eye health, among others by using sunglasses when doing outdoor activities during the day, limiting the duration of using gadgets, and not rubbing or rubbing eyes, especially when hands are dirty. If eye disorders during pregnancy are quite disturbing and protracted, pregnant women should immediately consult a doctor to find out the cause and get treatment.


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